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Briefs and Bulletins


July, 2024 - Lab Alert - BC Bottle Shortage Update

July, 2024 - Lab Alert - BC Bottle Shortage

May, 2024 - Hepatitis C Reflexive Algorithm Change

April, 2024 - Changes to Iron Panel and Transferrin Orders 2024

February, 2024 - Annual Notice to Healthcare Providers 2024

February, 2024 - Reflex Testing to Healthcare Providers 2024

January, 2024 - Delay in O and P Screen (Cryptosporidium Antigen and Giardia Antigen)


November, 2023 - Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Content (Retic-HGB)

August, 2023 - Hydrocodone Toxicology

June, 2023 - Molecular Vaginal Panel (MVP)

June, 2023 - Chart Format When Using Paper

February, 2023 - Annual Notice to Providers

February, 2023 - Reflex Testing To Providers


November, 2022 - C. Difficile Testing Update

October, 2022 - Rotavirus Testing

July 28, 2022 - Monkey Pox Updated

July, 2022 - Monkey Pox

June, 2022 - COVID-19 Antigen Test

June, 2022 - Viabrio and Yersinia Stool Cultures Discontinued

March, 2022 - DIC Panel Update

February, 2022 - Reflex Testing to Providers 2022

February, 2022 - Annual Notice to Providers 2022

February, 2022 - eGFR Equation Change


November, 2021 - Blood Collection Supply Shortages

September, 2021 - Urinalysis Update

September, 2021 - Cord Blood Gas Order Changes

September, 2021 - Enteric Pathogen Panel

June, 2021 - Light Blue Citrate Shortage

April, 2021 - Group B Strep (GBS)

April, 2021 - Globulin Reference Range Change

April, 2021 - COVID-19/SARS CoV-2 Testing Guidance

March, 2021 - Syphilis Confirmation Change

March, 2021 - Hemoglobin A1c Reference Range Change

February, 2021 - Cryptococcal Antigen

February, 2021 - Cortisol Testing

February 2021 - High Sensitivity (hs) Troponin T Testing


December, 2020 - Transfusion Guidelines for Blood Components

December, 2020 - Methodist Hospital Laboratory Testing for COVID: Frequently Asked Questions

October, 2020 - Glucose Ranges Update

October, 2020 -  Respiratory Pathogen Panel Updates

September, 2020 - Molecular Blood Culture ID Coming Soon

September, 2020 - Change to Add-on Testing

July, 2020 - 4th Generation HIV Testing

July, 2020 - Drug Detection Testing on Umbilical Cord Tissue - Update

July, 2020 - In-house Quantiferon Gold TB Assay

March, 2020 - Plasma Hemoglobin


December, 2019 - Gestational Glucose Testing

November, 2019 - Adding Oxycodone & Hydrocodone to Urine Drugs of Abuse Screen

August, 2019 - Mycobacterium Tuberculosis / Rifampin Resistance PCR

June, 2019 - Prostate Specific Antigen, Ultrasensitive

June 2019 - Serum and Urine Protein Electrophoresis (SPE/UPE) and Immunofixation Changes

May 2019 - Group A Streptococcus Screen by PCR

May 2019 - Immature Platelet fraction Final

February 2019 - Respiratory Pathogen Panel Updates


November 2018 - UHC Prior Authorization Notice

October, 2018 - HIV Confirmatory Testing

August 2018 - eSwab

June 2018 - Change for CT/NG Swab Kit

April 2018 - Pertussis PCR Testing

April 2018 - Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)

January 2018 - Urine Culture Criteria NMH

January 2018 - Celiac Disease Reflexive Cascade to ARUP


January 2017 - Body Fluid Order Changes


May 2016 - HPV Reporting Format


September 2015 - ICD 10 Memo to Clients

February 2015 - HPV Testing and Reporting Changes

February 2015 - FDA Collection Devices Technical Bulletin

Testing Supplies
Use our online order form to request new supplies. Federal regulation requires that we only supply those supplies directly related to the testing performed at the Pathology Center.
Test Directory
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